Regular price $4,350.00Any TigerStop can be enhanced with cutting edge touch screen control with TigerTouch™. Using the TigerTouch touch screen controller, you can download an infinite number of cut lists, display three cut lists at a time for easy switching between work orders, and view statistics such as job status, remnants, remaining parts, and yield.
TigerStop's Tablet Package includes a touch screen, a protective case, control stand (SMTCS), and cabling. It also includes three types of software: TigerLink 6 Cut List Downloading (DNLD), TigerSET (SET), and Dynamic Optimization (OPT).
Important Information About Ordering This Item:
Note: If you want a tablet package for your TigerSaw 1000, TigerSaw 2000, or TigerSaw Miter, you will not need the controller stand (SMTCS). The tablet package mounts differently on saw systems using a separate mounting hinge.
UPS shipping does not apply to items in the SawGear Store or TigerFence Store, only spare parts and accessories.
Once machinery has been ordered, TigerStop will coordinate freight. Email orders@tigerstop.com with any questions.